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by Tom Radd January 29, 2021


Parenting isn’t a piece of cake, especially when your kids are young and still very needy. You find yourself more burned out than when you were at work. Image how much more difficult it must be for stay-at-home or work-at-home parents.

If you are exhausted and in dire need of finding time for yourself’ in the midst of parenting, here are some ways to get a breather.

In your day-to-day activities and responsibilities as a parent, it’s easy to forget about yourself. Sometimes, in order to find some alone time, you actually need to make that time. If you can schedule your errands and follow through with them, you can definitely do the same for your own alone time.

Arrange Something for Your Child
Depending on how badly you need your alone time, how long you feel will help you recollect yourself; arrange something for your child. You can hire a babysitter for the afternoon and let yourself spend a few hours out, or you can drop your child at a daycare or a relative for a few hours. If leaving your little one is an issue for you; arrange for him/her some independent play time. Set him/her up with an engrossing activity too, but give an hour at least to yourself.

Arrange Something for Yourself
There is nothing wrong with squeezing in your alone time within your errands. If you are set, for example, to visit the dentist for the day why not take the opportunity to hit the spa afterward. During your weekly run of paying bills or meeting with certain people, use the opportunity to spend an hour at a cafe to read a book or just relax at the park.


Along with your responsibilities and chores, make alone time a necessity. In addition to that, make your family understand it too. In this way, just like when you are busy with work, your family members will learn to respect and give you space when you are in your alone time.

Tell Them You Need Alone Time
If your child/children are old enough to understand, you can simply tell them the truth; that you need some alone time. This will keep them at bay for a little while, especially when you make a clear point not to be disturbed. You can let them know in advance if you are about to go out or spend the afternoon in your room.

Learn to Lock Your Door
Treat your alone time as sacred, especially when it is badly needed. After letting your children know that you are not to be disturbed, do learn to lock your door. This is not just to prevent anyone else from walking in and disturbing your peace but also to remind yourself that what goes on outside is not your concern for the time being. As a parent, you will find yourself quick to act on everything that has anything to do with your child. It’s not overprotectiveness but simply parental instinct. If your husband or wife is around to care for your children, let them deal with any issues that go on while you’re spending your alone time.


Whether you are a stay-at-home, work-at-home or full-time working parent it’s never a bad idea to get outside help. Depending on what you are comfortable with and which areas you need help with, hire a help to reduce the workload.

Hire a Maid
Parents who work at home or are full-time parenting can use the extra hand with household chores. Having someone to come clean around the house twice a week can work miracles and greatly reduce the stress household clutter brings. You can use the opportunity to spend a day out with your family or simply bond with your children/loved ones.

Hire a Nanny
If you are more focused on working and know and trust someone to sit for you, occasionally have someone nanny. This can also help you get some alone time. Getting outside help will check off a lot of tasks on your list which means more time for you and less stress to deal with.

Remember, your health and well-being is important too. It may seem impossible to take a break from parenting your child, but when you’re stressed out, you will become moody and unhealthy. A mentally and physically unhealthy parent isn’t fit to parent at all. Your frustrations and stress are at risk of being directed at your child and also evolve into physical illnesses. Your child won’t be properly taken care of by you under such circumstances, so be ashamed to prioritize your own well being too.
Tom Radd
Tom Radd

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